Bonnie Anderson
2024 Concerts
October 5, 7:30 pm: Vista Philharmonic Orchestra, Groton Hill Music Center, Groton, MA orchestral piano, Mason Bates "Sea-Blue Circuitry" grotonhill.org
October 10, 7:00 pm: Portland Symphony Orchestra, 100th Anniversary Gala Concert with Yo-Yo Ma, Merrill Auditorium, Portland, ME - celeste, Respighi “Pines of Rome” portlandsymphony.org
November 1, 8:00 pm: Carlisle Chamber Orchestra, Carlisle, MA - Schumann Piano Concerto ccorch.org
November 24, 4:00 pm: Recital with Lisa van der Ploeg, mezzo-soprano Edgewood, North Andover, MA edgewoodrc.com
December 7, 3:00 pm & 7:30 pm / December 8, 3:00 pm: Vista Philharmonic Orchestra, Groton Hill Music Center, Groton, MA - orchestral piano, "Holiday Magic" grotonhill.org
December 11, 3:00 pm: Recital with Trevor Handy, cello - Newbury Court, Concord, MA newburycourt.org
December 13, 7:30 pm: Recital with Trevor Handy, cello - private concert in East Greenwich, RI
December 14 at 10:00 am: UUCR Music Sunday - Handel "Messiah", Reading, MA uureading.org
2025 Concerts
March 8, 7:30 pm: Vista Philharmonic Orchestra, Groton Hill Music Center, Groton, MA - orchestral piano, Bartok "Music for Strings, Percussion and Celesta" grotonhill.org
May 4 at 4:00 pm: Recital with Michael Bellofatto, french horn - Edgewood, North Andover, MA edgewoodrc.com
May 15, 11:00 & 1:30 pm: Recital with Michael Bellofatto, french horn - Groton Hill Music Center, Groton, MA grotonhill.org
July 13, 5:00 PM: Metropolitan Flute Festival Orchestra - orchestral flute, Groton Hill Music Center, Groton, MA grotonhill.org
​Highlights from Previous Seasons:
Nantucket Musical Arts Society Chamber Music Concert: Hindemith Trio with Branford Marsalis, saxophone and Christof Huebner, viola nantucketmusicalartssociety.org
Point Counterpoint Summer Faculty Concert Series: Ravel Piano Trio with Peter Wilson, violin & Trevor Handy, cello Middlebury Town Hall Theater, Middlebury, VT www.pointcp.com
Lexington Symphony Orchestra: celeste, Cary Hall, Lexington, MA lexingtonsympony.org
Boston Landmarks Orchestra: Hatch Shell, Boston, MA landmarksorchestra.org
Music on the Hill Chamber Music Festival: Providence, RI musiconthehill.org
Recital with Bill Kassel, trumpet and Siri Smedvig, violin: 51 Walden Performing Arts, Concord, MA 51walden.org
Stone Arch Trio: Parish Center for the Arts, Chamber Music, Westford, MA parisharts.square.site
“Clara Schumann & Friends” Piano Recital: Parish Center for the Arts, Westford, MA parisharts.square.site